Icon collections have been developed to streamline your work with Lordicon library. This article walks through all the features of the icon collections.
Icon collections
Adding icons to collection
You can mix and match different styles and families of icons to create a collection. Adding icons is an easy process that involves the following steps:
Step 1. Open a library.
Step 2. Select an icon.
Step 3. Click on the + button.
Step 4. Select collection or create a new one.

Locating collection
You can access icon collections from the left-side panel of the main library.

Editing collection
Icons from the collection can now be fully customized. You can edit them in bulk or click on an individual icon to set custom colors.
If you're not satisfied with the adjustments, simply click the "Reset" button to restore the original icon settings.
Make sure to click the "Save" button to ensure that any changes you have made are saved.

Downloading collection
Download an entire collection of icons at once or select a specific icon for download.
When bulk downloading a collection, the browser's CPU usage spikes, causing the temperature to rise. This is because all render calculations are done on the client-side.
If you add too many icons to your collection and then attempt to batch download them, or you choose excessively high render settings (such as setting up GIF resolution to 1000px), this may significantly increase the rendering time and even cause your browser to crash. To resolve this issue, consider categorizing your icons into smaller groups or reducing the size of the format.

Sharing collection
Easily share the entire collection with your team by creating a public URL. Everyone who receives it will be able to duplicate the shared collection to their profile.

Generating license base on the collection
If you have used any icons in your project and need an official license for them, you can easily generate one by following these steps:
First, select the icons that you want to include in your license and add them to your collection.
Next, go to the License section in your Account dashboard.
Select the icon collection for which you would like to generate a license.
If you wish, you can provide your company name and the name of your client.
Generate an official PDF license that you can use for your records and administration purposes.
Please note that this feature is only available for PRO users who are interested in generating a PRO license.

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