You will be able to download an unlimited number of icons in all possible formats and more. Payment is recurring on a monthly or yearly basis, and you can cancel anytime.
Elevate your designs with PRO animated icons
Free | Pro | ||
Access 7,500 free animated icons |
Access 22,200 PRO animated icons |
Unlimited collections |
Unlimited downloads |
Personal & commercial use |
Cancel anytime |
Use exported icons forever |
Attribution required |
Access exclusive benefits such as upfront invoicing, dedicated TPA support, team access, and a host of additional features tailored to meet your specific needs.
Frequently asked questions
What will I get after the purchase?
Can I use icons once my subscription expires?
Yes! You can use any PRO icons you downloaded or embedded during your subscription forever, with full commercial rights and no attribution required. Check your download history or get an official license document to prove ownership.
I'm a freelancer/agency. Do all of my clients need plans and licenses?
No, a single PRO license covers unlimited commercial and personal projects. As a freelancer or agency, you don’t need separate licenses for each client.
Can I buy a single PRO icon?
No, individual PRO icons are not available for purchase. However, you can subscribe for one month, download what you need, and cancel anytime.
Do you have a discounts fo students, schools or classrooms?
Yes, as a student or teacher, you can access all icons and features for free.
What is an icon collection?
Icon Collections streamline the selection, customization, and export of icons, allowing you to edit and download multiple icons at once. You can also share collections with others effortlessly.
What charities do you support?
Each year we donate 10% of our profits to good causes. Learn more about how the Lordicon community improves lives.