Adding animated icons to your website's theme can significantly enhance its visual appeal and boost your sales. Here is the breakdown of what you can and can not do when implementing Lordicons into your theme for sale:
Can I sell themes with Lordicons?
- include any icons in theme for sale;
- use icons as a decorative elements only;
- allow your users to use Lordicons in a dashboard tool that lets them add and customize animated icons;
- allow your users to change colors, stroke sizes, or padding via HTML code, or your own triggers based on Lordicon Custom Element;
- use icons in a product or plugin in which icons act as a secondary element. (eg. website builder, graphic editor, and presentation tool)
- include icons as standalone files in your product;
- use icons in any product or plugin in which the icons form the core of that product (e.g. an open-source or commercial plugin, library, or icon pack, whose main role is to provide animated or static icons.
Currently, you can only use icons as decorative elements. We are developing an API that will be available in Q2 2024, allowing you to add a stand-alone Lordicon library within your product.
Do I need any special license to include icons in my theme?
No special license is required to include icons in your theme. The regular PRO license is sufficient for including Free or PRO icons in your theme for sale.
Does my clients needs separate PRO licenses if I include PRO icons in my theme?
No special licenses are required for your clients' sites unless they choose to use different icons from the Lordicon library.
For instance, let's consider a coffee shop template that you design. If you include a coffee icon in the footer section that is available only in the PRO plan, you will need to subscribe to the PRO package, download the icon, and add it to your theme. Once you list the theme on a marketplace, your client won't need any external licenses as long as they continue using this specific icon in their design.
However, if your client decides to replace the coffee icon with a biscuit PRO icon, which is also available only in the PRO package, they will need to subscribe to Lordicon PRO and use the icon they require.
Similarly, if you use a specific free icon in your theme as a PRO user, neither you nor your client will need to attribute Lordicon. But if your client decides to use a different free icon from Lordicon and doesn't opt for PRO access, they will need to follow the attribution requirements.
How can my users choose different icons, change colors, or modify other properties?
The best case scenario would be to have a tool in your theme that allows for the embedding of HTML with icons in specific locations.
Here is the suggested process your users can follow:
- Go to
- Select an icon
- Click "Download"
- Click "Embed HTML"
- Copy the code & paste it inside your product.
You can even build an editing panel inside your product, so the only thing you need to utilize PRO icons is this shortcode:
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