
View List

Out of 6 modules, we managed to cover only 4. This Lottie animation presents a page view module.


Sample usage

View List, Animated Icon, Regular
Home, Animated Icon
View List, Animated Icon, Regular
Basket, Animated Icon
Avatar User, Animated Icon
Share, Animated Icon
Festive, Animated Icon
View List, Animated Icon, Regular
Camera, Animated Icon
  • Study, Animated Icon
  • View List, Animated Icon, Regular
  • Festive, Animated Icon
  • Camera, Animated Icon
Select another

Similar icons

View Agenda, Animated Icon, Regular View Agenda History, Animated Icon, Regular History Text Snippet, Animated Icon, Regular Text Snippet Videogame, Animated Icon, Regular Videogame Low Priority, Animated Icon, Regular Low Priority Calendar, Animated Icon, Regular Calendar Upload, Animated Icon, Regular Upload Pause, Animated Icon, Regular Pause Refresh, Animated Icon, Regular Refresh Add Link, Animated Icon, Regular Add Link Fit Screen, Animated Icon, Regular Fit Screen Cut, Animated Icon, Regular Cut Search, Animated Icon, Regular Search Link, Animated Icon, Regular Link Opacity, Animated Icon, Regular Opacity Http, Animated Icon, Regular Http Share, Animated Icon, Regular Share View Headline, Animated Icon, Regular View Headline