

I decided to make brochures on the history of icons for our campus. This Lottie animation illustrates a brochure.


Sample usage

Brochure, Animated Icon, Lineal
Brochure, Animated Icon, Lineal
Brochure, Animated Icon, Lineal

Similar icons

Heat press printer, Animated Icon, Lineal Heat press printer Receipt GBP, Animated Icon, Lineal Receipt GBP VIP Card, Animated Icon, Lineal VIP Card Smart TV, Animated Icon, Lineal Smart TV Scatter Chart, Animated Icon, Lineal Scatter Chart Sale 20%, Animated Icon, Lineal Sale 20% Invoice, Animated Icon, Lineal Invoice Insert paper, Animated Icon, Lineal Insert paper Growth, Animated Icon, Lineal Growth Free, Animated Icon, Lineal Free Big size printer, Animated Icon, Lineal Big size printer Sales, Animated Icon, Lineal Sales Notebook, Animated Icon, Lineal Notebook Odnoklassniki, Animated Icon, Lineal Odnoklassniki Paperplane, Animated Icon, Lineal Paperplane Building, Animated Icon, Lineal Building Printer warning, Animated Icon, Lineal Printer warning Notification, Animated Icon, Lineal Notification