
Play & Pause

Take a pause and enjoy the content as you like! This animated icon stands for the pause button.

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Sample usage

Play & Pause, Animated Icon, Outline
Play & Pause, Animated Icon, Outline
Play & Pause, Animated Icon, Outline

Similar icons

Play Next, Animated Icon, Outline Play Next Play Previous, Animated Icon, Outline Play Previous Play Forward, Animated Icon, Outline Play Forward Play Back, Animated Icon, Outline Play Back Play Forward, Animated Icon, Outline Play Forward Play Back, Animated Icon, Outline Play Back Record Button, Animated Icon, Outline Record Button Play Button, Animated Icon, Outline Play Button Brake Pedal, Animated Icon, Outline Brake Pedal Share Network, Animated Icon, Outline Share Network Camera, Animated Icon, Outline Camera Film, Animated Icon, Outline Film Attachement, Animated Icon, Outline Attachement PPT, Animated Icon, Outline PPT Folder Play, Animated Icon, Outline Folder Play Folder Camera, Animated Icon, Outline Folder Camera Share, Animated Icon, Outline Share Envelope Right, Animated Icon, Outline Envelope Right